The Fall of Western Culture
Close the boarders! If you let too many immigrants in the country, that country won't be the same. Especially if the people that are moving in are incompatable with the local customs. If there was no welfare state, I think people should be able to move anywhere they want. That way they would have no choice but to integrate. If they didn't contribute to society, they would run out of money and move back to where they came from. That is not the way things are happening these days. Immigrants are moving and collecting welfare. And oh what a surprise! When Muslims move to western counries, the rape statistics automatically go up. Europe isn't looking so good these days. Western culture is on a decline and people that have been living there for generations are fleeing. Sharia courts have popped up in Europe and there are places that even police won't enter. Locals are forced to pay taxes to supprt a group of people that hate them! When Europeans immigrated to North America during the 19th century they fit in. Not perfectly, but... There was a so called melting pot. Not only did they look the same and share the same religion, there was no welfare. It was work or starve or go back. People from the Middle East do not look like Europeans and don't share the same religion and culture. If you give them free money of course they are going to set up their own ghettos and suck the life out of the economy. Politicians bring these people into the country saying that they will contribute to society and the opposite has happened. What did the governments do? They decided to bring MORE refugees in. Complete disaster. Why do they do it? They do it because they are buying votes. They say they are helping the refugees for humanitarian reasons, but that's not true. For the same amount of money it costs to help a refugee by bringing them to Europe, you can help 10 refugees in the middle east. It's much much cheaper to help them outside of Europe or North America.
I was born in Canada, but my parents and brother were born in Europe. They moved to Canada and integrated no problem. They looked almost like everybody else and contributed to( instead of sucked the blood out of ) society. We have put more money into the system than have taken out. All of us smoke and drink ( or use too ) and play the lotto so there's that as well going to Ottawa. Might not be the smartest family in the neighborhood, but we always worked. My mom says that she doesn't want immigrants to come into Canada because they will take away jobs. She was once an immigrant so that's a little hypocritical, yet understandable. But if someone moves into the country and can barely speak English and can take your job...Shame on you! The refugees can't be blamed for wanting free money and a better life. Problem is that when many Muslims move into another country, they tend to want to take it over. What's going to happen to Europe in the next few years? Once in the EU, migrants can travel to any EU country they like. Britain in going to vote whether to stay or leave the EU in the next few days. They should get out. Turkey wants to join the Union and oh boy if that ever happens, 70 million or so Muslims will be free to travel and live in all of Europe. Even though Turkish Muslims are more civilized than Pakistani or Iranian Muslims, they still have that so called holy book that says to kill the Kafirs ( non believers ) and take over the world. Europe needs to go back to the way it was by disolving the Union. Anyways yes, my family has always worked. These days I'm working mostly 6 days a week. Working Japan isn't difficult, but with my shedule during the weekdays, I work From 9:40 till 12:10 and then I have an afternoon job somewhere else around 3pm or 4pm and can finish earliest 7:00 and latest 8:30. No time to go home after my morning job cause it takes me an hour and a half or so to get to work. Easy work, but long hours. Right now really sleepy. Got into the Bacardi last night and got up early this morning. Class starts in 45 mins. Now at the office alone, but not enough time to sleep. Most of the time the students come early too. I don't know what kind of work I would do if I went back to Canada. I would have to start a business because they didn't teach me any skills after 12 years of school and 2 years of university. I would have to hire people with skills and invest in them to make us money.
The chances of me moving back to Canada are close to zero. Your not even allowed to open a lemonade stand outside you house. If you are anywhere in North America reading this, try selling lemonade outside your home and see what happens. Your not allowed to smoke anywhere as well and you can't drink beer at the beach. I would have to be deported if I were to move back to Canada. Could I live in Europe? I see the fall of western culture if things don't change. Remember I do not hate Muslims. I hate what they believe. I never want to live in a Muslim country because I loathe Islam and everything it stands for. You have to be really fuckin stupid to revere a rapist and pedophile and believe in a flying horse. You have to be really dumb to believe in a talking snake as well, but the Christians are not that much of a threat. I can live side by side with those hypocrites. Please Europe, please cut welfare. Then people will be forced to work. Right now migrants are wasting hard earned resources and outbreeding the natives. At this rate it won't be long until Sharia is prevelent.
Yesterday morning I found out the events that took place in Orlando, Florida. Another terrorist attack and what a surprise, the religion of peace was involved! People are really getting tired of this Islamic culture of killing. The really sad part is is that these attacks will continue without end. There will never ever be peace between western culture and Islam. America needs to GET THE HELL OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST! Hundreds of thousands of innocent people have been killed and the world is a mess. I won't get into many details about the tradgety because the authorities are still investigating. They said 49 were killed and just over 50 were injured. Now that's a lot of damage for 1 person to make. The S.W.A.T. team probably contributed to the body count and/or the Muslim piece of garbage had friends that helped and then escaped. Once again very bad luck for around 100 people and their loved ones. Have you ever heard about a terrorist event in Japan? No, because there are few Muslims ( remember they call themselves Muslims, but some drink alcohol, don't think adultry should have a death sentence because then they would have to commit suicide, don't think gays should be killed etc ) here. Pretty sure most have jobs ( the ones I know do )or run their own business. They have assimilated into society and everyone contributes.