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The good news is that fewer parents are hitting their kids these days. I sympathize with adults that were beaten when they were children, but that all goes away if I find out that they abuse their kids. Spanking kids is child abuse and its evil. The kids never chose to be there and they can't leave. Spousal abuse is terrible, but the victim can leave anytime. Children don't have that option so that makes it many times more egregious. Hurting the ones that you are supposed to love and protect is immoral. If I were to hit a person in a wheelchair you would think that I was a monster. The guy in the wheelchair could leave and call the police, but children can't. Hitting kids is way worse than hitting a paraplegic. Spanking is going down, but is still prevalent around the world. Society still accepts it as a norm just like they did slavery years ago. I can still recall my 1st grade teacher hitting me with a meter stick. Wow what are the odds of it being in a Catholic school? This day and age that would be unacceptable thankfully.

There is a better way other than parents raising their voice and hitting helpless kids. Negotiation is the way. My daughter will never ever be beaten at home. If she gets bad grades at school I won't mind. She will get good grades in the subjects that she's interested in. Most of what we learn at school we don't remember anyway. Do you remember the periodic table? I took French in elementary school and junior high and don't remember 95% of what was taught. Mathematics and learning to read were the most important. I remember very little advanced math. Many parents here in Japan are very strict when it comes to education. Students go to school after school. It's no wonder that the majority of people here are not happy. I want my daughter to have a happy life. My goal is to get her to love to read and learn a lot about things that she is interested in. If she wants to go to school after school ( juku in Japanese ) then that will be her choice.

If you want happy and healthy kids please do not hit or yell at them. Might doesn't make right. They will only be kids once so please give them happy memories. Of course we want our children to do well in school, but if they don't its not a big deal. You probably know people that finished university. Are they really smart or successful? The majority that I know are not. They went to university and took a lot of courses that never benefited them. I studied Japanese in college for 2 semesters and did reasonably well. When I came to Japan I found out what I learned wasn't a great deal of help. People here were speaking in a different dialect and the formal Japanese that I learned was nowhere to be heard. What did come in handy was having learned the Japanese alphabets and everyday I could read what was around me. It's possible to remember one of the two Japanese alphabets in 1 day.

Your kids won't remember things that aren't interesting. Also don't forget that most school teachers aren't successful in life. How many do you think are rich? How many teachers would do their job if there was no pay? Isn't that the dream? Having a career that you love and get paid for it? Having such a good job that days off are frowned upon. I want my daughter to look forward to going to her job. We only live once and wouldn't that be great spending our limited time on this planet enjoying life? Grades in school make no difference and parents that get angry at their kids for doing poorly are ignorant. Education is extremely important, but there are other ways other than public or private schools to achieve a higher level of intelligence. Academia is to knowledge just like prostitution is to love.

Child abuse thrives only because society allows it to be the norm. Parents must be told that what they are doing is wrong. I can't believe what some Muslim parents do to young girls. Male genital mutilation ( or the euphemism circumcision ) is terrible, but female genital mutilation is absolutely ghastly. Looks like God is not perfect so lets just start sawing away on these little kids. How horrific! The plan is to keep children away from harm not the opposite. Many kids around the world deserve a long heartfelt apology. We are sorry for yelling at you. We are sorry for abusing you. We are sorry for giving you bad memories. We are sorry for placing you in government schools. We are sorry for brainwashing you into our cults. We are sorry for lying to you. We are sorry for not listening to you and it should go on and on and on. To all the maltreated kids around the world I sympathize with you and if there is something that I could have done, but didn't. I am terribly terribly sorry.

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