
Getting Along

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Getting Along

Why can't we all just get along? It's never going happen. Siblings always end up fighting about trivial stuff and if they can't get along then there's no chance for non family members to get along. Yes, most of the time everyone is forgiven and life goes on. Now there's a huge migration of people from the middle east headed to Europe and many problems are occurring. I use to think that people should be able to travel anywhere they like, but I have changed my mind recently. Some reasons are because of big government and the welfare state. When Europeans were immigrating to north America government was small and there was no welfare. Enough said about that and now lets talk about getting along.

Oh how so many cultures are different from each other. Many times when they collide all hell breaks loose. Muslims living in non Muslim countries want to create their own laws and turn those countries into the shitholes they originally fled from. If I go to someone's house I will respect their rules. It's as simple as that. European and middle eastern cultures are like oil and water. Just too different to live in harmony. Yes, people from different backgrounds can enjoy music and food together, but their beliefs will always collide. In Ireland where people look the same and have the same culture, they can't even get along. Good luck with Arabs and Europeans uniting. The Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds who look the same and have the same culture have been killing each other for centuries. The vast majority of Muslim deaths have been done by other Muslims. Some brotherhood isn't it? Hundreds of thousands of middle eastern people entering Europe is a recipe for disaster. England and France will soon no longer be recognizable as England and France. Religion causes so much unnecessary pain and suffering in the home and around the world.

I read an unforgettable YouTube comment on a video that showed egregious Sharia Law punishments. It was from a Christian lady and it said something like '' Forgive me God, but I think we should nuke all the Muslims. They are evil and it's the only way we can have peace''. Now that is scarey stuff. I would like to see justice served to people that have committed evil, but that Christian takes it too far. I'm certain that many others would agree with her. I would love to punch many religious people ( that have committed injustices ) in the goddamn face, but to commit genocide is evil. Remember that I think that no individual who has ever lived should burn in hell for eternity no matter how bad they were. To be a good person you have to hope no one is roasting in a river of fire forever. That's why I can never be a Christian or Muslim. What kind of God makes a religion that you have to hope is not true in order to be a good person? If you hope people are being burned without end than you are a psychopath! As mentioned I am optimistic that the internet will spread reason and logic so that religion is a thing of the past and people can live in harmony. Governments try to censor information, but its futile.

Let's take a look at the 3 rules.

The Golden Rule - Do unto others as you would have done on to you.

The Silver Rule - Don't do unto others as you would like done unto you.

The Bronze Rule - Do unto others BEFORE they do unto you.

Treating people the way you want to be treated sounds good to many people, but it's not always good. Some people may not like the way YOU want to be treated.

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