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Oh how I miss the late great Christopher Hitchens. His religious debates that you can see on YouTube are epic. Damn that guy could lay down the hammer. Sure is a shame that one can only watch re-runs. Before I even heard about Christopher Hitchens or Richard Dawkins, I made the website www.religionfactreport.com. Something inside me wanted to tell people that all religions are scams. If you could get all the world's religious leaders to sit around a table they would all be preaching different things. It would be impossible for all of them to be right. Only 1 of them could be right or none of them. The latter is most likely. Every theist thinks that his religion is right and all the others are wrong. How convenient. As children we believe anything grown ups tell us. There is no excuse for believing in a sky ghost when you are an adult. Well there is, but its not a really good excuse. Some women won't open their legs if you don't believe in her imaginary friend. Not 1 shred of evidence proves the existence of God. Plenty of evidence shows that people created Gods and 1000s of them. Theists have no problem not believing in 1000s of other Gods and if only they could cross just 1 more off the list then they could stop being victims. To these victims losing money never felt so good. The mind virus then gets passed down to the kids and the cycle continues. However I am optimistic these days because the internet is a great source of information. Guaranteed after watching some Hitchens or Dawkins videos some people have started to question their beliefs. Those guys have won every religious debate.

Imagine throwing a bucket of water on someone and then electrocuting them. Some people might feel a shock like that after finding out that their religious beliefs are false. Finding out that your whole life is based on a lie probably isn't the greatest feeling in the world. Yes, even some people will kill you if you tell them the truth. The Catholic church has so much blood on its hands its unimaginable. So many people have been unnecessarily murdered because they spoke their mind. The church is much calmer today compared to evil Islam. This so called religion of peace will kill apostates, stone homosexuals and mutilate the genitalia of little girls. Just thinking about Islam makes my stomach turn. How vile the barbaric traditions and how egregious the treatment of women. The leaders of these cults have a lifetime of apologizing to do. As mentioned before, I don't care if feelings get hurt because millions have been killed in the name of these 2 sickening religions that evolved from Judaism.

If God is omniscient then that means we have no free will. He knows the future and sends people to hell because he's a sadist. If God is also omnipotent then that means he can change the future and if he can do that then he doesn't know for certain what will happen in the future so then that contradicts him being all knowing. Ouch! Can God make a boulder so heavy that even he can't lift it? If he can't then he's not omnipotent and if he can then we run into another problem. The evil Abrahamic God in the Bible and Koran, call him Yahweh or Allah, doesn't exist. If he did exist then we get to spend eternity with a bloodthirsty dictator. No thank you!

To all the readers in Japan, your Gods are all man made too. The temples and shrines just want your money and they sure do get a lot of it. Plenty of religious charlatans preying on the public on this small island. No doubt that many shrines were beautifully built, but there is nothing supernatural about them. There are many things for sale at these places that offer false hope. Most memorably to me is a luck charm that is supposed to help you pass an exam. Forget about good old fashioned studying. There is so much superstition in Japan its unbelievable. Before I moved here from Canada I thought that people were super smart. Oh how wrong I was. Super polite yes, but after years of being lied to by the government and by parents and by teachers a person's mind gets poisoned. Once again thanks to the internet people have access to good information and many can find out the truth if that's what they want. I lost a job that payed 8000 yen per hour ( staff at McDicks get around 850 an hour ) when the topic of religion came up. The boss asked me if I was a Christian and I told him no. I asked if he was a Christian and he said no, but that he was a Buddhist. I replied that that religion is also a lie. Next time I came into work, was told that this would be my last school year. He gave no reasons and just shook his head. Not long after a huge tsunami hit the east coast of Japan wiping out many. Sure you've heard about it on the news. I now refrain from talking about politics and religion when my livelihood is concerned.

When you take something away from someone like a religious belief and don't replace it with something, I guess people feel a loss. It's so sad to see people convert to other religions. From the frying pan into the deep fryer. Why the need for false promises? Is it the fear of death? We've all been dead for billions of years and there is no pain or suffering that I can remember. Lucky to be here now for a short time and after we die chances are it will be the same as before we were born. My daughter was born just over 4 years ago. She came from the place I'm headed towards. Nothingness. Pushing away religious beliefs and superstitions should be liberating. Much more happiness, truth, beauty and wisdom comes one's way. How can so many believe that Muhammad flew to heaven on a winged horse and cut the moon in half on his way? I'm sure many Muslims are just pretending to believe the lies of Islam to avoid ostracism and potential death.

My daughter is 4 years old at the time of this writing. When she grows up and if for some reason disrespects me or even plain out abhors me, I would never wish any harm upon her. The Christian and Muslim God isn't as forgiving as yours truly. That malevolent monster will send you to a place where unimaginable pain and suffering is dished out and never ever stops. In order to be a good person you have to hope that Christianity and Islam aren't true. I hope that nobody is burning in hell forever. So even if you were a sadistic parent that routinely hits your kids, you would be a better parent than the evil God in the so called holy books. My duty as a father is to protect my kids from harm. Makes me sick when I hear about honour killings. Parents killing their daughters if they are victims of rape or run off with a man they love. The people that are supposed to protect you are the ones that inflict the most harm. Doesn't make any sense to me, but neither does evil Islam. Even parents that hit their kids are committing an injustice. Christianity talks about forgiveness and what do the parents do? That's right, a large percentage of these hypocrites will hit their kids. They will tower over the little offender ( who never chose to be there in the first place ) and use violence to get their message across. Chances are if beatings are common then the parent enjoys doing harm to helpless children. Sadistville.

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