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Thank you for taking the time to read my views on life. Next time you are at a big live event and someone on stage mentions the name of the city you live in, you will be immune to that spell and just witness how it effects the sheeple. You know my position on religion and even if you are religious our beliefs are almost the same. Both of us don't believe in many Gods. I just don't believe in 1 God more. Amazing how many people in Japan believed that emperor Hirohito was God. His birthday is still celebrated today and called Showa day. It's a national holiday and having a day off with pay isn't bad. Somewhere on this island they also worship a 5 ton penis. Check it out on youtube. The Catholic church celebrated Hitler's birthday until his death. Plenty of shame for these ridiculous beliefs and rituals. What can we do about it? How can we remedy the ignorance of billions of people? We know that people hate the truth. Why is telling the truth a bigger taboo than incest? If anyone has an explanation please email me at kansaimagic@gmail.com.

For me the truth is vital. If I have more children in the future I might not want to know the sex of the baby before he or she is born. The truth is I would love the baby no matter what and I would like it to be a surprise. I would like to know if I had cancer before hand and not have that be a surprise because its of significant importance. I've heard people talk of some cases where the doctor will lie to you and tell the patient that they are fine when really the opposite is true. Some people perhaps just don't want to know if they have cancer and I don't see anything morally wrong about that. Lying is bad. Or is it? Let's say you and I were in a plane crash and survived, but woke up in that hell hole also known as Pakistan. If you were forced at gunpoint to join Islam would you? I would lie and convert. What if a guy was on his death bed and for a year his wife was having an affair but he had no idea? In the end he ends up dying a happy guy or lets say as happy as can be due to the circumstances because he didn't know about the tryst and died thinking his wife loved only him and he actually lived a few months more because she lied to him. Would that be OK? Hmmm. That's a tough one. If someone lied on there tax returns or custom's card would you care?I don't think I would. When charlatans on TV lie to the religiously credulous and scam them out of money would that make you angry? If people are that dumb and donate THEIR hard earned pay well... Now when force is used in order to get money that isn't right. As mentioned before taxation is the use of force in order to gain resources. I repeat myself copious times I know I know.

When someone or a group of people make extraordinary claims it is import to find out the truth. If you tell me that you saw a ghost then please prove it. Almost all my older students believe in ghosts. 1 girl was told by her grandfather that he talks to ghosts and she believes him. She believes in aliens as well. Another classic example of credulity. Believing something with out evidence, especially extraordinary claims, isn't wise. I will thank people for telling me the truth even if I don't like the facts. Looking at a losing lottery ticket sucks, but it is what it is and no amount of wishful thinking can change that. Religious people will turn to anger and violence ( mostly Muslims ) because they have no proof for their crazy beliefs and they feel uncomfortable about that. Sometimes they will try to twist things around in order to make things fit. Some will say wow evolution is true and that means God is greater than we expected. You can always twist crazy beliefs around, but you cannot twist facts.

I briefly touched on Nationalism and came to the conclusion that its a dirt fetish. Look my dirt is better than yours! I like many things about the people that live in Japan, but I abhor their nationalism. Schools have done a great job brainwashing the public. Was riding on the train the other day and ran into a Japanese co-worker. Before I got off the train she apologized for the train being slow. What the hell? She didn't make the train and she didn't drive the train. Her way of thinking is not at all clear. When Japanese people leave a room many will say " Shitsurei Shimashita " meaning " I've committed rudeness " which is a lie. No rudeness was committed, but you have been brainwashed to act like the hoi polloi who lie for no good reason. So many can't think for themselves. The suicide rate hovers around 30 000 people a year. Unbelievable. I know many Japanese people and they are nice to me, but its almost impossible to have a deep conversation with them. Talking about the weather and food is the norm. Canada is bad for nationalism, but here it's way worse. I don't mean to say bad things about Japanese people, but the truth is the government brainwashes the public. Many schools make you wear uniforms just like the army does. You are told to pass tests over and over again. The tests mean nothing. I've known many that graduated university and they are no better off. The tests are useless and the schools teach you things that don't benefit you in life. Most world citizens are brainwashed by the system that's around and remember I don't hate the people because its not their fault. But when people are sick I usually try to avoid them if possible. I don't have any plans to leave Japan in the near future so I will just have to put up with how things are. Let's just say there are more good things here than bad.

Here are the good things about Japan. In Canada you can't drink beer while walking down the street unless you hide it. Here I can drink beer almost anywhere. Having a couple of cowboys on my way home from work on the train is great. It's not uncommon for me to travel over 1 hour to get home from work. Coffee and reading on the way to work and beer and chuhai on the way back. Convince stores are open 24 hours a day and most have booze. In B.C. I remember beer stores closing at 11pm. Drinks are cheap here and so are cigarettes. No tipping is required anywhere. Here you can buy almost anything from a vending machine. I don't remember seeing many vending machines outside in Canada. Probably because they would be vandalized in no time. There are a lot of shady people in Canada. Drugs aren't common here so you can save yen. You don't need a car when in Osaka. The trains are great for getting around and many employers will pay your travel expenses. Many beautiful women everywhere so there's no shortage of eye candy. Comely doesn't mean smart though. Haven't met 1 lady that reads books on a regular basis. To think of it I've never met a woman in my life that reads books regularly. Ouch! I'm sure they are around, but I'm just with the wrong crowd. Anyway if you like easy money, cheap food and drinks and good looking women, Japan is perfect for you.

All right time to wrap things up. My positions on religion, nationalism and peaceful parenting are clear and unlikely to change. You can probably guess how I feel about sports fanaticism without me going into detail. The philosopher Stephan Molyneux has taught me many things and you will enjoy what he has to say if you have a listen. His website is www.freedomainradio.com and he also has a great YouTube channel. I wish you all the best of luck in your lives. Please never ever hit kids if and when you have them. There's no need to be angry with me for saying things that are true. It's not my fault that governments brainwash its denizens. It's not my fault there is global warming. It's not my fault Mohammad was a pedophile. It's not my fault Catholic priests molest little boys. It's not my fault that Japan is a Kancho culture. It's not my fault in the 20th century roughly 250 000 000 million people were killed by their own governments. And It's not my fault there's no God.

