There are 2 kinds of people. People that will tell you what you want to hear and people that tell you the truth. Different things are being preached in the houses of worship even within the same religious sects. Seeing that the information is contradictory we know people are being lied to and they pay to hear those lies. When people like me come along and tell them the truth I get blamed or sometimes lose my job as mentioned in the first book. The truth is treason in an empire of lies. The saying goes...I love my friends and family, but I love the truth more. You can not have real friends if you don't have the truth. You will only have co-conspiritors.
I thought of this fact not too long ago. I have never ever met a Christian or Muslim in my life. Never! How can this be true? Because I'm still alive. I have never met a real Christian or a Muslim, but I sure have met a lot of hypocrites. The bible says to kill anyone that works on the sabbath. So if you see someone mowing their lawn on the day of rest you have to kill them if you are a real Christian. Not only have they spared my life all these years, I worked WITH them on the sabbath. The sabbath is supposed to be the 7th day, but your guess is as good as mine if the 7th day is Saturday or Sunday. A few years back I worked for almost 2 months straight. It was 55 days with only 1 day off during that stretch. Christians and Muslims are supposed to kill gay people as well, but many of them like George Michael and Elton John. There might be real Christians and Muslims out there, but never in my life have I met 1 of them. I've met people that don't eat pork, but they drink alcohol. Way to cherry pick the rules in your Koran. This 1 guy was watching my friends an I play poker at the pub ( yes, I play poker at the pub ) and I asked him where he was from. He had a drink in his hand and said he was from Egypt. I mentioned that Muslims weren't allowed to drink. He said he was a bad Muslim. The truth is that he isn't a Muslim, but in fact he is a hypocrite. I didn't say that to the sorry bastard, but oh well.
When visiting the doctor you want to know the truth. Btw my daughter recovered quickly from her fever, but I caught something a couple days ago. My nose is running and I don't feel great. Sucks being at work now. Rather be at home self medicating with Bacardi. Anyways if the doctor finds a tumor you don't want him to tell you what you want to hear. Everything is fine and honkey dorey when in fact there is a major red alert. Honesty goes a long way. Remember the ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. Curing delusional religious people isn't an easy thing to do. Fooling people is easier than convincing them that they have been fooled.
Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? No, I don't. There are times when we have to lie. Many of us have lied on some legal documents because it was benefical and helped us get around some unnecessary hurdles. I know this guy that wanted to extend his culture Visa in Japan, but he didn't have enough money in his bank account to prove that he could stay longer without having to work. He submitted all his documents to the immigration office including his fanancial info that had a couple furtive zeros added. He stayed in the country and eventually got married and now has 2 kids. Good for him. Stretching the truth on one's Ciriculum Vitae isn't imoral either. Lying to protect innocent people from harm just like what happenned in WW2 was a very kind thing to do as well. I will lie if it benefits me and no one gets hurt. If I sleep in because of going to bed too late the night before and severily hungover, I will call work and say I'm sick. They might believe me or they might not, they probably will believe me because I hardly ever call in sick. If I told them the truth, they wouldn't be impressed and the boss would never forget the incident. Haha this 1 guy from work called in sick the day after Halloween. The person of authority knew that he was bullshitting, but since he couldn't prove it, the guy that over imbibed saved himself from an uncomfortable and probably unneccessary chat.
Sometimes people tell their kids lies and don't even know it. Religious people lie to their kids all the time and the parents think they are doing the right thing. Sometimes parents knowingly lie, but they think they are doing the right thing. Many kids are told that if they don't go to bed some kind of monster or ghost will pay them a visit. Is that a bad thing to do? I don't lose sleep thinking about it, but I tell my daughter that I have never seen a ghost or a monster ever. I have never told her that Santa is real and she has never asked me if he was. We might see him on TV or at Universal Studios during the holdidays and she will point and say Santa! Oh man do they ever promote Halloween and Xmas early here in Japan. I whistle sometimes during English class and different kids have told me that a snake is going to appear. Now what's the purpose of adults telling kids that if they whistle, a snake will show up? This is a benign lie, but I can't see the benefit of it.