



Oh here we go again. This is the part of the book where feelings get hurt because THE TRUTH bothers some people. You've probably seen some American Idol auditions where the person singing was clearly terrible. The judges tell them the truth that they can't sing well and the contestant(s) gets pissed off. The same thing happens to some religious people when you tell them the truth about their fantasy world. It's like a tazer to their brain and without evidence to back up their ridiculous claims they get angry. Well too bad. When kids grow up to find out there is no Santa, they learn to live with it. Although Santa doesn't offer eternal life or 72 virgins I get that, but a lie is a lie. Haha if a guy gets 72 virgins in heaven what do the virgins get? It's supposed to be heaven and it looks like the virgins get a bad deal. All right let's have a little quiz. I'll make a statement and you tell me what religion or religions come to mind. The answer will be one of the religions that is in fashion today. More than 1 answer is fine as well. Here we go...

Magic underwear?

Doesn't celebrate Xmas? ( The Jackson family was a part of this cult, but they released a Xmas album. Pretty good 1 too )

Symbolizes canabalism?

Reveres a pedophile?

The most violent religion today? ( The easiest question on the list and even its adherents know it )

Bovine friendly?

Izanagi Izanami?

Says to kill homosexuals


My name is Jafar. I come from afar. There's a bomb in my car. Allahu Ackbar!

Their hero was supposed to return a while ago and is close to 2000 years late?

Leaders wear funny hats?

Religion of peace? ( Same as the most violent can you believe it? When I say Religion of Peace instantly you get an idea. When I say Most Violent or Dangerous, the same faith comes to mind )

No sex before marriage? ( This is laughable )

Aids is bad, but condoms are worse?

Bee keeper suits?

Flying horses?

Zombies ( Yes, back from the dead )

Booze is bad?

Face down ass up 5 times a day?

Crusades? ( Stephan Molyneux has a great video about the crusades which you can see on Youtube )

Easter blood bath?

Child rape?


Knock on your door?

Bow over and over again like a pigeon towards a so called holy wall?

See you can state many strange practices or facts about someone elses religion and people don't get angry, but when you talk about theirs, they get upset. Islam by far is the most evil religion. People got killed because of cartoons! If you were to leave the Christian faith, members might bake you some cookies and say that you are welcome back anytime. Some might threaten you with hell, but since you don't believe in hell there is no harm done. Islam isn't so friendly. Death is the price for apostacy. It's there in their holy handbook. No question about it, Islam is a cancer on this planet. I got into more detail about religion in my first book, so please check that chapter out. Since then I have become more forgiving towards Christianity. The so called Christians I know are nice people. They are hypocrites and not REAL Christians, but they are nice people. Most have been brainwashed when they were kids and for some reason they can't be reasoned with. Maybe they are afraid of death or want to see their loved ones who passed away in the next life? Maybe heaven sounds like so much fun, but strangly heaven isn't described in detail unlike the Muslim version. Maybe they fear hell? Perhaps Pascal's Wager make sense to them? No, that can't be it because most of them don't know what Pascal's Wager is. That fact of the matter is is that hypocritical Christians are far less violent compared to the members that subscribe to evil Islam.

