song: Yabba Gaba Dude
  Original Lyrics

Hey Gaba Dude, I want to thank you
For taking shitty jobs that you deserve
The pay is 6000 but you only get 2
That’s what you wanted, you let them fuck you

And no transportation to add on top
Yes its official, you fuckin suck

Hey Gaba Dude, what’s that you’re broke
Of course you are, your job’s a joke
I can’t understand why you teach man to man
For such low pay, when you’re in demand

Hey Gaba Dude, we wanna thank you
For taking shitty jobs, yes we need you
With the I.Q. of a fart, you think you’re smart
But you will be forgiven if you’re new to these parts


With no transportation and very low pay
The Gaba Guy works hard all day
He’s gotta wear a suit and pretend to be cool
No ifs about it, those are the rules

Mean-while ( guitar string) , the majority of us
Have gone out there and found good jobs
Cash on the day, sure does win it
Especially at, a buck a minute
Hey Gaba Dude, Kansai thanx you
For working so hard and getting screwed
They pay 6000 but you only get 2
That’s what you wanted, whachu thinking dude

And no train fare to add on top
Yes it’s official, you fuckin suck

Hey Gaba Dude, what’s that you’re broke
Of course you are, your job’s a joke
Your students are hot and they have big bucks
But you my friend are losing a lot

With the I.Q. of a fart, you think you’re smart
But we forgive you if you are new to these parts
Hey Gaba Dude, Japan thanx you
Please give our best to your managers
They pay 6000 but you only get 2
What in the world is wrong with you


Hey Gaba Dude, what’s that you’re broke
Of course you are, your job’s a joke

Now what the hell, I don’t understand
Why you’d take a job like that
With the I.Q. of a fart, you think you’re smart
But we’ll forgive you, if yer new to these parts

BRIDGE  - ( a bit of rap? )

Yaba Gaba Dude, we want to help you
Yes you can choose your hours, but yer getting screwed
With your education, yer underpaid
You must be a moron to work this way
Yaba Gaba Dude we want to help you
But you agreed to work in that stupid suit
You must be a moron and not the nicest
Lucky for you, some have hammered down the prices
Why’d you take that job, wait we know why
You’re as fuckin sharp as the Nova Guy
Have no fear if you’re new here
If it’s your first year, from Gaba stay clear
Cause’ you can make more there’re jobs GALORE
Depends what you want. You BISCUIT WHORE!               HAHA!

Hey Gaba Dude, the WORLD thanx you
Also your boss and manager
The pay is ahhh forget it, you got screwed
What the hell is wrong with you
With no train fare to add on top
You have to admit, THAT’S FUCKT UP!


Earn while surfing the net (click here)
Down on my Luck 1
Seasons 2
Liquid Gold 3
Tequilla Sheila (Ver 1) 4
True Friends (Ver 1) 5
I don’t care if she cooks 6
I know how you feel 7
You are 8
When I find the time 9
Everything you wanted 10
Hein Road 11
Payday 12
If I pay you 13
Lessons (Ver 1) 14
The Park 15
Lessons (Ver 2) 16
Tequilla Sheila (Ver 2) 17
True Friends (Ver 2) 18
Fear and Guilt 19
A Better Place 20
The Park (Ver 2) 21
My Imagination 22
Mullet Man S.A.M 23
Jimmy Hicks 24
I'm a Big Fan of Mr McMahon 25
Nova Guy 26
They Say That I Can't 27
Bargain Bill 28
Juiced 29
Chump to Champ 30
Make Up Onna 31
Chump to Champ Seattle 32
Make Up Onna - Sensomatic 33

Kiseichu 34

Ex Nova Guy 35
Yabba Gaba Dude 36
Mystery Method and Style Life 37
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